Summer Health Tips for Seniors
While the summer is a nice reprieve from our unforgiving winters and erratic springs, these hot months present unique challenges for family caregivers.
Making sure your elder gets the right amount of hydration, and doesn’t get overheated or sunburnt, are just some of the considerations you have to prepare for over the coming months.
With that in mind, here are some summer health tips for seniors to remember as you and your family enjoy the sunny season.
The Elderly and Heat Intolerance
Too much heat and older adults don’t mix. You need to be aware of the sun’s effect on your elder and their heat intolerance sources. For instance, even if the house is air-conditioned, heat can accumulate if you don’t manage the shades and drapes. As such, it’s important to make sure your elder doesn’t sit or lie down in sunny spots for too long.
Additionally, using the oven too much, especially in the afternoon can also raise your house’s temperature and cause discomfort.
When going outside, you need to be aware of how hot ordinary surfaces can get. The scalding heat of car seats in the summer is much more painful to seniors, saying nothing of deck planks or the cement around pool areas.
Ultimately, when it comes to heat and older adults, you need to be aware of your elder and their heat intolerance levels.
Keep Them Hydrated…But Not Too Much
It’s very important to keep your elder hydrated throughout the day, as frequent as a glass of water every hour or two depending on their fluid restrictions. Make sure to consult with their doctor to find out exactly how much liquids they can intake.
If your elder doesn’t want to drink water, either because they worry about going to the bathroom too much or just don’t think they need to, listen to their concerns while reminding them of the importance of hydration. Ultimately, you need to work with them and their doctor to find a middle ground.
Senior Sun Safety
While the first impulse on a sunny day is to wear less, that’s not always a smart idea considering the harshness of UV rays on seniors’ sensitive skin. As such, senior sun safety is paramount when planning family outings in the summer.
While applying sunscreen is the first line of defence, giving them added coverage like a hat or a light over-shirt or jacket is also important. Also, be sure to check up on them regularly when they’re sitting outside, in case they fall asleep under the hot sun and to find them a shady spot to sit whenever possible.
More than just protecting them from sunburn, senior sun safety is important because many medications actually have negative side effects triggered by sun exposure. You should review warnings for your elder’s medication, but some common ones that don’t interact well with the sun are antibiotics, diabetes, and heart medications.
Remember to consult your elder’s doctor for additional summer health tips for seniors.
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