How To Set Up a Homework Station
With the start of another school year comes new friends, new clothes for growing kiddos, and the dreaded return of homework. While gathering last minute necessities and school supplies, take a few minutes to set up and stock a homework station. Your kid’s grades (and teachers) will thank you!
Step 1: Choose your space.
Choose a quiet workspace free of distractions; away from the TV and video games. As an adult, it’s hard to sit on the couch and work on something with loud music and background noises. For a child, it’s pretty much impossible for them to tune out cartoons and loud siblings. Choosing a quiet spot, or a spot that can be made quiet while they work, is a must.
Any quiet distraction free area will work. The kitchen table, a desk tucked away in the corner, or a beanbag in their room are all options. Try to pick a place where they will be comfortable, and designate it as the official homework space.
Step 2: Stock it with supplies.
If you are using a desk, fill the drawers with items they may need throughout the year for homework and special projects. Think scissors, crayons, markers, map pencils, regular pencils, pens, erasers, notebook paper, a ruler, a calculator, and other appropriate items based on the age of your children.
If your kiddo is going to work at the kitchen table, or a space without storage, put all supplies in a special “homework box.” This can be as simple as a shoebox that is tucked away in a closet when not needed, or as elaborate as a set of plastic storage drawers filled with supplies. There are tons of different ideas around the web for storing office supplies out of the way, and several that include projects the whole family can help make.
Step 3: Set a homework first rule.
Now that you have the perfect space and everything your child needs to complete their assignments, make sure you set a “homework first rule.” As the name suggests, this rule needs to state that all homework is to be done before playtime, TV time, or other leisure activities.
Set up a routine so that it becomes second nature for everyone in the house. In many homes with a homework first rule, the kiddos wash their hands and get a snack when they arrive home, eat, and then do their homework. Siblings, grandparents, and everyone in the home knows to be quiet until all work is completed. Once the work is finished and checked by an adult, playtime can begin!
Do you have a special space for homework in your home? What about an after school routine? If you have a tip that can help other parents win against homework battles, leave a comment and let us know. We LOVE comments!