How Aging Can Save You Money – Senior Discounts
With aging typically comes grandchildren, more time to relax, and the often overlooked senior discount. Saving money with the elder discount is an awesome perk of getting older, and comes sooner than one may expect. While most assume you need to be 65+ to save, many companies start cutting costs for people as young as 50!
What can you or your aging parents save money on?
- Travel costs: discount bus and plane fare, car rentals, hotel rooms, admission tickets, tours, and more. Avis, Budget, Best Western, and Choice hotels are just a few of the many companies that advertise 10-25% savings for seniors.
- Dining out: specially priced coffees and beverages, value priced elder only menu items, or a percent off the meal ticket. For example, those over 60 can order a large coffee at McDonalds for 85 cents or at A&W they can save 10 percent off their food purchase.
- Shopping: Many retail stores, grocery stores, and pharmacies have discount days or savings programs just for those over a select age. One such pharmacy is Lawtons Drug, which offers 20 percent off select items for people 55+.
- Everyday entertainment: Discounted movie tickets, museum entries, amusement parks, and more! Those 65+ can save almost $10 off Discovery Passes for Canadian parks.
How do you get the discount?
Many times all you have to do is ask about a senior discount. Employees can inform you of age requirements and details. Some places will come out and ask if you or your elder would like the discount, but if they don’t you shouldn’t feel shy about asking.
You may need to jot the details down for future reference. While some stores may offer 10 percent off on any day of the year, other stores may only offer discounts on certain days, like the third Tuesday of the month. Keeping elder discounts on a special page in your agenda, planner, or notebook is a great way to keep them straight.
What’s your favourite elder discount to use? How much would you estimate that you’ve saved over the last year by asking for the senior discount? If you know of an awesome elder discount be sure to leave it below, as your comments could help others save big!
Photo courtesy of Kate Hiscock on Flickr.