NannyTax Articles

March 16, 2016

Honestly I Couldn’t Imagine Managing My 91 Year Old Dad And All His Requirements Without Having NannyTax By My Side!

Five years ago…

I had to make the very difficult decision on how to care for my ailing dad. He was being released from an emergency stay at the hospital and it was evident he could not live on his own any longer.

I preferred to keep him in an apartment close by rather than move him into a nursing home, but that meant I needed to hire around the clock caregivers, and manage all the financial aspects associated with domestic help.

As a part time consultant and busy home maker, I now added doing my dad’s laundry, grocery shopping and meal prep to my busy lifestyle, and of course spending as much time with my dad was my number one priority.

When I saw an ad in the local newspaper in the fall of 2010 for NannyTax, I knew this was a service I had to have. Taking on all these extra duties was overwhelming and I couldn’t even begin to deal with the financial aspects associated with my dad’s caregivers.

I knew I needed to work with someone who specializes in payroll tax. My accountant could do the numbers but NannyTax could answer all my questions about holiday pay, annual increases, and so much more.

In fact recently NannyTax went above and beyond by providing me with multiple calculations and scenarios based on pay increases of different amounts. They also included the gross and the net amount to help me decide on the right increase for each caregiver.

I can’t even begin to imagine how much time I have saved using NannyTax.

I would have spent hours on the Internet trying to navigate the provincial employment standards, the CRA and the WCB, which is time I would rather spend with my dad.

I would highly recommend NannyTax to anyone with domestic help, they are available to answer my questions in a timely fashion, and they always remind me ten days in advance so I know what to pay to who and when, ensuring I never miss a deadline.

Honestly, I couldn’t imagine managing my 91 year old and all his requirements without having NannyTax by my side!

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