Home Care- Is It The Right Fit?
According to Stats Canada, almost 4 in 10 recipients of home care in Canada are seniors. Home care for elders can expand their options into being more independent, and comfortable, as well as getting the proper care they need for their health. In this blog, we outline some questions you may want to ask before getting home care for your senior to truly know if it’s the right fit.
What Is Their Quality Of Life?
Many seniors are able to live an independent and happy lifestyle on their own. However, there are other individuals who require more attentive care for various reasons. When inquiring about whether or not your senior would need home care, it is important to assess their current quality of life and if it could be improved by having help. For example, if you live farther away from your senior, having someone that could keep a closer eye and help out with their medical or domestic needs, could help relieve some of the stress of commuting, dependency, and extra work. This can also help with emotional stress, knowing that someone will accompany your senior, help out wherever needed, and be there to support them when you are unable to be there.
Can I Afford Home Care
Affordability is something to think about when weighing your options on homecare. Is it within your budget? While there are many seniors that qualify for publicly-funded home care services, there are others that have to pay. However, depending on your situation, home care can be more affordable than a retirement centre. It may seem overwhelming to figure out how to crunch numbers to afford home care, but there are many programs that offer subsidised care for your seniors. Research is key, so it is imperative to learn more about what options your senior has and can be qualified to receive.
Putting Trust In Others
Another difficult challenge many face, is being able to put their trust in others taking care of their seniors. It is impo
How NannyTax Can Help You
Having a caregiver in your home can be a great blessing to you and your family. It can give you peace of mind knowing that you have extra help when you need it the most. As the first domestic payroll service in Canada, NannyTax has the most experience and knowledge in helping Canadians set up and maintain payroll for their caregivers. Our aim is to simplify this process and take care of all those number crunching and deadlines you face, and to save on your overall household budget, giving you the peace of mind you deserve. Give us a call today with any question or to learn more!
rtant for you to find the best quality care and fit for your senior, whether that would be hiring professional care, or care from other family members. Elderly individuals require more attentive care and patience, so the emotional side of caretaking is another key factor to keep in mind. Caring for a senior isn’t just about the chores and errands you complete for them around their home, it also means that you are another ear for them to talk to, and a support system when they have no one else present. It is essential that you and other family members discuss who will be that key caretaking role in your seniors life, so they have the best physical and emotional support they need.
Where You Can Reach Us
Call toll-free: 1.877.626.6982
Email us at any time: taxquestions@nannytax.ca
(Image courtesy of Sam WHeeler https://unsplash.com/photos/tUyYnO_VdP0 )