NannyTax Articles

August 28, 2024

Getting Ready for Back-to-School: Preparing Your Nanny for a Great School Year

Ah, the hustle and bustle of the back-to-school season! It’s a time brimming with anticipation and a touch of chaos as everyone transitions from summer fun to school routines. If you have a nanny, getting them ready for the school year is more than just about schedules—it’s about making sure they’re equipped to support your family effectively. Let’s explore how you can help your nanny in mastering this transition!

Refresh the Routine

As any parent will attest, having a routine can be a game changer, especially when dealing with school-age children. Before the school bells start ringing, sit down with your nanny over a cup of coffee to review and adjust your schedules. Be sure to address wake-up times, school drop-offs, extra-curricular activities and homework rituals.

Helpful Hint: Consider using a shared calendar. Platforms like Google Calendar work wonders for this purpose. You can update it in real-time, keeping your nanny informed about school happenings or any sudden adjustments. Or how about putting together a morning checklist for your nanny and the kids for all the tasks they need to complete before heading out, such as preparing school bags or anything they might need to bring or wear for a special event at school that day? Display this checklist in an area near the door or in the kids’ rooms. You can even colour code each family member’s schedule so that your nanny can tell them apart quickly at a glance. For example, assign blue to school-related events, red to doctor appointments, and green to activities. For young kids, you can use images instead of text to help them understand and follow the list more easily. 

Gear Up on Essentials

Just like kids need their pencils and notebooks, nannies need their own set of tools to tackle the day. Make sure your nanny is fully stocked with everything from healthy snacks to spare clothes for the little ones.

Helpful Hint: Put together a “Caregivers Kit” with snacks, a first aid set, and maybe even some arts and crafts supplies for those rainy days. Include seasonal items such as sunscreen and hats for sunny days or warm gloves and hats for cold weather. Don’t forget to add a list of emergency contacts, including neighbours and family friends, along with any necessary medical information for the children. Place this kit in an easily accessible area or in the car if your nanny is responsible for driving. Keeping this kit stocked and handy will help your caregiver in handling any situation with ease.

Let’s Keep Talking

Maintaining a line of communication with your caregiver can genuinely make a difference. Regular updates can prevent misunderstandings and ensure that your nanny feels supported.

Helpful Hint: Create a communication hub in your home, such as a whiteboard or a simple shared notebook you leave on the kitchen counter. Your caregiver can jot down anything from the kids’ moods to homework sessions. This way, you’ll always be in the loop about events. If your nanny and your household are more tech-savvy, consider using a dedicated digital tool like a shared project management and communication app where you can post updates, important reminders, and feedback.For some examples of apps, check out our past blog here.

Set up a weekly catch-up session to go over the week’s events and any upcoming plans.

Educational Empowerment

If your nanny helps with homework, they need to feel confident in their role. Every parent wants homework time to run smoothly!

Helpful Hint: Create a dedicated homework station that includes all necessary supplies like pencils, erasers, calculators, and reference books. This station should be a quiet corner of the house that is routinely used for homework, helping to put children (and your nanny) in the right mindset for school work.

Celebrate and Motivate

Everyone appreciates some acknowledgment and encouragement! Let’s celebrate achievements and motivate each other! Consider implementing rewards for your kids to keep everyone’s spirits high throughout the school year. 

Helpful Hint: How about creating a ‘Star of the Month’ board where the person with the stars, earned by tasks like completing homework on time or making beds, can choose a fun family activity for the weekend? It’s a way to encourage motivation and celebrate hard work. Make the ‘Star of the Month’ board visually appealing and accessible in a common area of your home, like the kitchen or living room. Use colourful markers, stickers, or magnets to mark achievements. You could categorize tasks into different types like ‘Responsibility’, ‘Creativity’, and ‘Kindness’, allowing for a variety of ways to earn stars. This system not only promotes good habits but also teaches valuable life skills in teamwork and goal setting.

Legal and Logistical Prep

Last but not least, remember to ensure all paperwork for employing your caregiver is current, including contracts, pay arrangements, and any required tax filings. 

Helpful Hint: Review your employment agreement with your nanny regularly to ensure it reflects any changes in job duties or compensation. It’s a good practice to do this at least once a year. For domestic payroll and taxes, consider setting up automated reminders for important deadlines, or use a dedicated service like, which not only manages payroll but also ensures compliance with tax laws and provides year-end tax documents, allowing you to focus on what matters—your family. 

By completing these steps, you’re not just preparing your caregiver for the school season; you’re setting them up for success. A thriving nanny means a happier family overall. Cheers to a fruitful and worry-free school year!


Credits: Photo by Max Fischer:

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