Do You Monitor Your Teen’s Phone?
The majority of teens today have a phone, which can be a good thing. If they’re running late, need a ride, or have a problem they can instantly reach their parents, grandparents, or a guardian. With a Smartphone they can use their device for homework help, GPS location for directions, and more. Kids having phones can really be a good thing for both the parent and their teen.
Unfortunately mobile devices can also open a window to public social media profiles, chatting with strangers, inappropriate websites, and cyber bullying. For many parents though, the good outweighs the bad and they still decide as a family that their teen would be better off with a phone then without.
Most parents go over the rules as soon as the teen’s phone has been purchased. Some parents have kids sign a written contract and others have a policy allowing the parent to check the phone anytime they wish. While this works for many families, some want to protect their children even more turn to mobile parent monitoring.
What is mobile parent monitoring and why would you want it? Parents can monitor the activity on their children’s phone through an app or downloaded program. It allows parents to see who their kids are talking to, what was said, the websites visited, the pics texted, and more. Many kids don’t talk to their parents when there is a problem like bullying. Programs like this allow parents to see the whole picture and help keep teens safe. If there is something inappropriate going on, parents are made aware and can step in before things escalate.
The most popular program that allows parents to monitor their teen’s phone is Mobile Spy. Don’t let the “spy” throw you off, it’s all about safety. Parents can see their kids GPS location and make sure they got where they were going safely. They can see all photos taken with the phone, which can prevent something scary from going out to the world. All phone calls, chat apps, emails and sites visited are logged. Parents can monitor Facebook and Twitter messages, which is where a lot of bullying takes place, and much more. This program offers complete protection and currently there is a 30% off Mobile Spy Coupon code available for readers.
Should you monitor your kid’s mobile phone? Only you as a parent can make that decision. It can help keep them safe, it can prevent them from doing something they shouldn’t, and it can keep you informed of what is going on in their lives.
Photo courtesy of Kat N.L.M. on Flickr.