Category: Parenting

December 26, 2013

A 2014 Resolution to Improve Junior and Senior Health through Nutrition

With the New Year around the corner, many people are putting pen to paper and creating a list of New Year’s resolution. The most popular resolution…

December 3, 2013

Fun Movies and Books for Kids About Nannies

Does your child love their nanny? They play together, learn new things together, and are bound to become a strongly bonded pair over time. Your nanny…

October 14, 2013

4 Bonus Nanny Skills That Can Inspire Your Child

Your nanny cares for the people you love the most, your kids. He or she cooks for them, keeps their little dirty faces wiped clean, and…

October 10, 2013

5 Classes Every Nanny and Parent Should Sign Up For NOW

Does your nanny have the basic skills needed to keep your family safe and healthy? Do you? Here are five basic classes that everyone should consider…

September 12, 2013

4 Need To Know Tips For Social Media Safety

Do you post photos of your kids on Facebook? Most parents do without batting an eye. They know who their Facebook friends are, and they completely…

August 29, 2013

5 Fun Birthday Party Activities That Won’t Break The Bank (Infographic)

Want MORE fun and budget friendly birthday party ideas? Check out our “Brilliant Birthdays” board on Pinterest. It is packed full of games, activities, art projects,…

August 15, 2013

Back To School Tips Every Parent Should Read

For many children school is right around the corner. Some kiddos may be attending for the very first time; some may be attending a new school,…

August 1, 2013

6 New Infant and Kid’s Clothing Safety Recalls for 2013

Most parents assume that the items in their kiddos closet are 100% safe. Many moms (and some dads) can close their eyes and name most of the…


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