Category: Eldercare Series

May 9, 2016

Apps that Help Your Elder Connect With Family

Distance, schedules and health issues may make it harder for your parents and grandparents to see your kids, their extended family, and their friends. Your elder…

February 8, 2016

Eldercare Series: Elder Depression

According to Mood Disorders Society of Canada, depression affects 5-10% of elders who live at home and a whopping 30-40% of elders who live in an…

January 10, 2016

Eldercare Series: Protect Your Elder from Medical and Insurance Fraud

As a member of the sandwich generation, your life involves caring for your growing children as well as your aging parents or relatives. To protect your…

October 21, 2015

Eldercare Series: Should You Sign a Power of Attorney Form at the Bank or Open a Joint Account with Your Elder?

Even if you currently have medical or financial Power of Attorney for your aging loved one, banks and financial institutions may have their own version of…

October 8, 2015

Eldercare Series: Protecting Your Elder from the Flu

Did you know that elders 65+ are the most affected group when it comes to influenza, aka the flu? The effects of aging make it easier…

August 25, 2015

How Aging Can Save You Money – Senior Discounts

With aging typically comes grandchildren, more time to relax, and the often overlooked senior discount. Saving money with the elder discount is an awesome perk of…

May 22, 2015

Eldercare Series: Is it Normal Aging or is it Dementia?

As a person ages, many things change. They may not see as well as they once did, they may become hard of hearing, and they may…

May 13, 2015

Negotiating Your Nanny’s Salary

Guest post courtesy of So you’ve selected a candidate that you like and who meets your family’s needs. Now, it is time to finalize the hiring…


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