NannyTax Articles

May 9, 2016

Apps that Help Your Elder Connect With Family

Distance, schedules and health issues may make it harder for your parents and grandparents to see your kids, their extended family, and their friends. Your elder…

May 8, 2016
Nanny for the summer

Nanny: 6 Reasons to Hire One for Summer

Nannies aren’t just for toddlers, and they don’t have to be employed for the entire year. For numerous reasons, many parents are skipping traditional summer childcare…

April 3, 2016

You Can’t Put A Price On Frustration Relief!

Seven years ago… I hired Linda to take care of my new baby girl. At the time I had no idea what my payroll tax obligations…

March 16, 2016

Honestly I Couldn’t Imagine Managing My 91 Year Old Dad And All His Requirements Without Having NannyTax By My Side!

Five years ago… I had to make the very difficult decision on how to care for my ailing dad. He was being released from an emergency…

March 3, 2016

Parenting: Little Things That Add Up To Big Family Memories

What do you remember about your childhood? You probably remember a lot of firsts; your first day of school, the first time you rode your bike…

February 18, 2016

Keeping Your Nanny Happy: Be on Time

At the end of your workday, you’re likely more than ready to clock out and go home. Having to work later then you expected is never…

February 16, 2016

I Have More Time To Spend With My Family Now That NannyTax Takes Care Of All My Payroll Needs

Seven years ago… I hired a nanny for my very active five year old daughter Margarita. As a busy dad [and executive] who worked long hours…

February 8, 2016

Eldercare Series: Elder Depression

According to Mood Disorders Society of Canada, depression affects 5-10% of elders who live at home and a whopping 30-40% of elders who live in an…


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