5 Classes Every Nanny and Parent Should Sign Up For NOW
Does your nanny have the basic skills needed to keep your family safe and healthy? Do you? Here are five basic classes that everyone should consider for themselves and the family caregiver. If your nanny has already taken the classes, that’s really good! However, don’t be shy about asking him or her if they need a refresher course, and volunteer to go with them so you both can learn some new skills.
Everyone should take CPR classes. It doesn’t matter if you are a nanny, a teacher, a parent, or a librarian. CPR saves lives, and can stop a horrible accident from having a tragic ending. If your nanny hasn’t had CPR classes, sign them up for a class NOW. Go with them and brush up on your skills. Pay close attention, as the instructions for performing this life saving technique are different for infants, children, and adults. The technique they teach today is different from the one they taught ten years ago, so a refresher course could be a good idea for anyone who hasn’t taken the class in the past few years.
First Aid
A basic first aid class can instill confidence in your nanny that he or she would know how to treat an injury. While a smiley face bandage and a kiss is great for a scraped knee, more than likely the time will come when you or your nanny are faced with a more serious injury. Does your nanny know how to remove a bee stinger? Can he or she properly clean a wound? Do you both know how to apply a splint?
This basic class can teach you both a wide variety of skills that are good to know. Some will come in handy often, like wound care, and some skills are good to know just in case, like how to treat hypothermia.
Nutrition Classes and Healthy Cooking Classes
If your nanny will be preparing meals for your little ones, or even for the family, investing in a few cooking classes or nutrition classes can have great benefits. Nutrition classes take the guesswork out of serving balanced meals, and healthy cooking classes can teach new ways to make healthy food delicious. Can’t get your little ones to eat more veggies? These classes can teach things like how to make mashed cauliflower taste like mashed potatoes, and your kids will never know they are eating healthy. Your goal as a parent and the goal for your nanny should be to give your children the best nutrition possible so that they grow up strong and healthy.
Infant Care
Caring for a newborn is much different from caring for a tween. If your nanny has not had experience with an infant (and you have an infant), sign him or her up for an infant class. This will teach them everything from properly changing a diaper to the importance of neck support. They can learn tips to reduce the chances of SIDS and things like how to put baby in the car seat safely.
Can you swim? Can your nanny? If the answer is no, this is another one of those classes that is a must. What would you or nanny do if your kid fell in a pool? Could you both save them on your own? Many parents think that if they don’t have a pool behind the house that this class isn’t needed. Kids go to swimming parties, waterparks, public pools, lakes, and more. Be proactive, and be safe. Sign the kids up too! If they fall into water, give them the skills they need to be safe. A family or group swimming class is a great way to teach everyone together, including your nanny, how to swim.
Do you know of another class that is important for a parent and nanny to take? Has one of these classes benefited your family? If so, leave a comment below!
Photo credit: xandert from morguefile.com