As A Nanny – Do You Do Bedtimes?
As a nanny, there’s a very good chance that you’ll have a number of roles throughout a day including cooking, cleaning and possibly even bedtime! It’s common for busy parents to let the nanny do bedtime at least a few times a week, however, this can be one of the most difficult times of the day, especially if the little one(s) would much prefer mummy or daddy to be the ones putting them to bed!
Of course, this is simply part of the job, however, and it’s something which every nanny has to deal with at some point in their career, however it can, at times, be a little difficult to know the best approach to take when everything which you try seems to fail!
Of course, there ARE things you can do to make bedtime easier and these approaches WILL work, in many instances, you simply just need to be patient. You’ll always find it easier to put an older child to bed who you can at least reason with and help understand why you need them to go to sleep, however it’s always the case that more often than not, it’ll be the younger ones who you’re left looking after.
As such, we saw that Sleepy People had asked 22 of the world’s top sleep experts to share their top tips on helping a child to sleep, we thought this would be the perfect ‘share’ to help nannies across the world! Whilst it was, in theory, put together to help new parents get their child to sleep, many of the tips are just as useful to nannies who have to do the bedtime routine as part of their role.
We’re sure you’ll agree but we think it’s fantastic:
Whether you’ve already tried some of these tips or you’re just starting out as a nanny and they’re all completely new, there are 22 fantastic approaches which are sure to go someway to helping make bedtime that little bit easier! If you’re doing the daytime care as well, which many will be, you’ll start to understand the importance as to how certain routines and approaches throughout the day can make going to sleep a little easier, as will ensuring the children get some exercise in between their evening meal and bedtime!
All in all, it’s a fantastic find and one which we hope you’ll learn some new, and useful, tips from!
Photo courtesy of Amanda Truss on Flickr.