5 Tips To Prep For Flu Season
It’s that time of year, where the leaves fall and winter is just around the corner. With the seasonal changes, comes the dreaded flu season. Like most parents, you want to do what it takes to help your family avoid the flu and sickness this chilly season. In this blog, we give you some helpful tips on ways you can help prepare yourself and your family for the flu season.
Hand Washing
It’s probably one of the most simple methods, but it can also be the most effective. Getting your little one into a habit of hand washing can really help them avoid spreading germs. Make sure to scrub your hands well with soap, lather and rinse thoroughly. A fun way for your kids to know how long they need to scrub their hands for, is to sing ‘Happy Birthday’ twice, and when they’re done, it’s time to rinse! This is a fun and unique way for your kids to remember proper hand-washing, wherever they are.
Healthy Habits
I’m sure you’ve commonly heard that healthy eating = healthy human, but it’s true! Your body is a vessel that needs to be nourished with power foods that will give you the energy you need, and this goes for your kids too! Giving them the proper food they need will maintain their health, will not only help them grow, but will also help their body defend itself from bacteria and sickness. Working on eating healthier and growing healthier habits is a team effort. If you are dedicated and make it a priority, your kids will follow suit.
Not only does this concept go for food, but for all cycles of life. Your body works in sync with getting enough sleep and exercise. This is easier said than done, right? It’s important for you to make a schedule for your week, and prioritize certain healthy habits throughout. Whether it’s going to the gym or cooking a healthy meal for the family, it’s important your family is on board with it too. If you find that your week gets too hectic, the weekend is a great time for you organize, prep and brainstorm with the family about activities that will help you all get active and spend some great quality time together.
Some ideas can include:
- Go on a family walk around your local park/ neighborhood.
- Try out some local and fun winter activities like ice skating, snowboarding, sledding etc.
- Make mealtime a family activity. It’s a great way for your kids to help in the kitchen and try out new and healthy foods together.
- Relaxing and de-stressing is also a key factor to maintaining a healthy body. Use the weekend for some rest and relaxation too.
Clean and Disinfected
You bring germs into the home everyday, especially your little ones. Germs can survive in the open air for quite some time, which means you’re exposure to germs are greater. It’s immensely important to keep things disinfected and clean around your house, so there aren’t as many germs festering. While it probably isn’t necessary to clean and scrub every inch of your house to make it germ free, prioritize items that are frequently touched such as door handles, counters, toys, tablets/computers, phones, remotes etc..
Stock Up On Pantry Items
When you’re a busy parent, the best thing you can do to prep for sickness is to stock up on items you’ll need like easy meals, soups, and food that help aid recovery. When you or your child is sick, the last thing you want to do is cook or run around doing grocery shopping. Stocking up on quick meals and some comfort foods, will help your body relax and recover at home, without having to worry about the task of cooking when sickness arrives. This is a great organization tip to all busy parents out there!
Plan Ahead
If your child is sick, and help is scarce when you have to work, it’s important to plan ahead and line up sick days or plan to have outside support watch the little ones when they aren’t feeling well. Even if no one is sick at all, coming up with a plan is a great way to organize your time and your schedule in the event someone does pop up sick suddenly.
How NannyTax Can Help You!
Prepping for flu season may be a task of its own, but there are only so many hours in the day to think about everything else. You are often so busy throughout your day with the hectic nature of everyday life, that preparing pay statements for your nanny can seem like a task you just can’t make the time for. That’s where NannyTax comes in! The great thing about what we do, is that we take care of payroll for your nanny/caregiver down to the last detail, so you can have the luxury of knowing you’re in the best hands possible. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us to learn about the different pricing options and plans we offer. We can’t wait to hear from you!
Get In Touch: 1-877-626-6982
(Image courtesy of Unsplash https://unsplash.com/photos/RmByg5kFfQg)