4 Handy Apps for the Sandwich Generation
Those who find themselves a proud member of the “sandwich generation” often have double the work on their plate as a traditional parent. Caring for children is a fulltime job, and adding in a parent, grandparent, or adult loved one to care for quickly becomes a complicated juggling act. Here are 4 handy apps to help you gain control of your busy life, schedules, and money.
In a family where one person takes a daily medication, it can be hard to remember to have them take that pill. In a family with multiple people taking daily meds, even vitamins, it can be a headache to keep everything straight. Download MedCoach to get medicines and medication schedules organized once and for all.
This app offers reminders to take medications as well as reminders to refill prescriptions. You can view the history and calendar to see which pills were taken and when. There is an information section to look up medications and learn more about them. This handy little app has an optional “share” feature that will keep caregivers and loved ones in the loop when it comes to meds.
While raising a growing family is expensive, adding elders and additional family members to the household can throw a budget off track. HomeBudget is an app that helps you see the money coming in and going out. Add in your bills, caregiver expenses, income, account balances, and get your budget worked out. There are handy charts and graphs, and the option to sync your app with other family members. Want to know if those expensive frilly sequined tutus for the twins are in the budget? It is as simple as checking your app and seeing your current balance, what bills are upcoming, and what amount you have budgeted for clothing expenses.
This is also a great app to help senior citizens manage their money. Download the app to their phone and give them some independence. You can sync their app with yours, and make sure they stay on track as well. Note that there is both a free version, called HomeBudget Lite, and a paid version. The difference is that the lite version limits you to 20 expenses and 10 income entries, whereas the full version allows an unlimited amount of monthly entries.
Cozi Family Organizer: Calendar and Lists
Between soccer, orthodontist appointments, toddler gymnastics, grandma’s checkup, and the millions of other activities on a parent’s agenda, it can be complicated to remember which kid (or parent) needs to go where and when. Cozi Family Organizer: Calendar and Lists simplifies things for those with hectic schedules.
Create a schedule or calendar for each member of the household, and sync up so that everyone is on the same page. When multiple family members are on the same calendar, each has their own special color. Create and share shopping or chore lists with children, your spouse, your nanny, or your elder. Create and share emergency information, packing lists, and more. If you are on your computer and have something come up, you can log into the website, make changes, and it will sync with your handheld devices as well.
This app is free, and was called the #1 “must-have app for a better life” by the TODAY Show. There is a second version available for a fee that is ad-free.
CareZone Senior
CareZone Senior is a must-have for those who share care of an elder or loved one with others. This app helps keep everyone up to date on what is going on, and organizes the care schedule. Store contact information, doctor and pharmacy info, and health history in the app. Like MedCoach, this app helps get your elder’s medication schedule on task with reminders and calendars.
What makes this app unique is that caregivers and loved ones can all keep a care journal as a group. Write notes about how your elder is feeling, acting, and so on, and loved ones can read and write back. You can share photos, news on doctor’s visits, and anything else other people might want or need to know about your loved one. This app keeps everyone in the loop so that no one feels left out, and gets everyone organized regarding the elder’s care schedule.
Is there an app that you can’t live without? Know of another app perfect for someone in the sandwich generation? Leave a comment below and let us know! We LOVE comments!